Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Fuck You's

So since it took me 45 minutes to get to work this morning (accident and I live 2.5 miles away) I’m going to start off the day with a few Fuck You’s to everyone who needs to hear it.

  1. Fuck You, New England Patriots Fans. No more of this 19-0 bullshit. No more perfect season. No more golden boy coming through in the clutch. Fuck you New England Patriots Fans.
  2. Fuck You, pundits who try to say that the Patriots are a classy bunch of players. They’re cheaters. They’re performance enhancing pricks. They are not doing the world a great service by losing and sending their championship paraphernalia to different countries. Every team does that. Do not defend this team, they lost. Fuck you pundits who try to say that the Patriots are a classy bunch of players.
  3. Fuck You, people who get hard for politics. Super Tuesday will never be better than the Super Bowl. I don’t get a half a second to revel in the Giants victory before all of this political bullshit gets shoved right down my throat. Fuck you people who get hard for politics.
  4. Fuck You, Tiki Barber. What do you think of your former team now, you spotlight stealing cancer? This is the team that had no QB leadership. This is the team that had a hard-ass coach that couldn’t win the respect of his team. This is a team that was going to miss his ability to run and catch that they wouldn’t be able to win! Fuck you Tiki Barber.
  5. Fuck You, Boston Herald. 19-0? You cocky sons of bitches. I hope that makes good tinder somewhere. Fuck You, Boston Herald.
  6. Finally, Fuck You, Bill Simmons. Just because, you try to take the high road, when you knew when that clock struck zero all you were thinking was "Awww, fawk da Pats, Go Sawks!" just like every other Bostonian. This is because you can't pick games better than your wife. This is because you knew you had a championship article written like the Boston Herald had a book deal. Fuck you Bill Simmons.

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