Austin "Double Deuce" See 09/25- 'All About the Double Deuce" Also, my ankles suck.
Chigozie "Chiggy" Hi, my name is Chiggy (I have been referred to as “Chocolate Face” in this blog, and that’s not because I am brown but instead because everyone is always trying to lick my face). I was born in PA, raised in Cali but am 100% Nigerian. On another note, I was born into Nigerian Royalty and have inherited a substantial amount of wealth through the passing of a distant relative, please contact me if you would like to help bring this money into the US. All I need is your name, address and bank account information.
Noe "The Prolific" I am not cool enough to have my own posting. I live in Queens, was raised in Miami and Colombia but I am a native Philadelphian.
Joey-"The Senator"I met Chiggy when the Prolific came to visit, and I was just that darned charming he asked me to write for the blog. I was born in NY and am currently working in our fine nation's Capital / most average sports city in the country. I get to be the de facto political analyst because I'm kinda in that neck'o'tha'woods. I will be the Theo Epstein of Hockey