Thursday, February 21, 2008

District Deliberations: Political Nonsensicals

McCain won Washington and Wisconsin to make his push for the nomination that much closer. Obama dominated Hawai’i and took down Wisconsin as well, infuriating Hillary further. Now for the juicy stuff…

Obama’s wife made a statement this week (actual quote, "People in this country are ready for change, and hungry for a different kind of politics. And let me tell you something, for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.") which has been horribly misconstrued. Needless to say everyone and their mother has released their interpretation of what this means, many calling her un-patriotic and un-American. I think she just meant to say that she’s proud of her country now because more people are hopeful for a better future. But my favorite news medium, Fox, went on to criticize her saying that this country has been through so much since she’s been alive, even detailing a timeline, starting with the Civil Rights Movement leading up to the modern computer era, about things she should be proud of America for. Fox News also asked her what her favorite color was, and when she responded green, Fox News said, "Oh yeah? Well, mine's America, so fuck you!" (disclaimer: didn't actually happen, but my favorite color is America, so fuck you) Seriously, Fox News has nothing better to do, but Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama (yes that’s her real name) should watch what she says, knowing that pundits will dissect her and make her look foolish every damn time without fail. Also this led to a bunch of superfluous “I’m proud of’s” by the McCains. My new solution to this issue would be to have the world’s first “Proud Off” between the candidates, with nothing to gain but pride…gay pride.

Now this may seem like “just words” (apparently that’s what Obama is running on, so kudos to that, whatever it means) but Hillary’s staff has somewhat released a plan to try to win delegates by fighting for those already supporting Obama and Edwards. I don’t know how you win pledged delegates, or if you can really, but that’s Hillary’s new plan…well that and tattling on everything Obama does (see “just words" link). So while many feel this race is getting more and more exciting, I think its getting catty and boring. The new “realization” that political writers have been documenting is that the Democratic Party is the party of change, and while Hillary has been endorsing herself as a pioneer of change, and one who has fought for it for a long time, she’s starting to realize, as well as the American public, that she isn’t change; she is the same old story.

But for a new scandalous story, the NYTimes is reporting possible infidelity in McCain’s campaign. Apparently the presidential hopeful might have a thing for a saucy little lobbyist, but the entire thing appears to be false, as nothing can be confirmed. However, McCain’s campaign managers are allegedly keeping her away from the candidate, and admonishing all claims, even calling out the Times for reporting this as news. Eh, whatever, it’s been a while since there was any kind of sweet sex scandal in Washington (too soon?) and at least this chick is hotter than anyone Bubba put his wang in.

Today’s saucy little minx is Sarah Harding. She sings…or something?

shout out to Dhaka, Bangladesh

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