Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Joint: Defined…

Any section where two adjacent objects meet, especially bones.
EX: The elbow is a joint in your body. The door meets the frame at that joint.

EX My cousin Eleftheropolous just got out of the joint for gyro smuggling.

Any place, usually of ill repute.
EX. I hear that joint over there is actually a crack house.

An open juncture on a bridge.
EX: CAUTION: open joints on bridge.

A marijuana cigarette.
EX. Pass that joint so that I might smoke it.

Unintelligible reference to meat. (note: only described in situations around 40th St in Philadelphia)

EX: Customer: Let me get one’uh’dem chicken joints (pronounced “jawns”)
Clerk: Pardon?

Customer: You know, one’uh’dem chicken jawnts.

Clerk: Well, do you want a grilled chicken sandwich? Chicken nuggets? Chicken Caesar Salad?

Customer: Nah, one of them chicken joints. (points over to pizza)

Clerk: Buffalo Chicken Pizza? Barbeque Chicken Pizza?

Customer: Yeah, one’uh’dem.

Clerk: You want a Buffalo Chicken Pizza? Medium?

Customer: Mah man, yeah, one’uh’dem chicken jawnts.
"Hey you! Lemme get uh lamb jawnt."

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