Tuesday, January 29, 2008

District Deliberations: On the State of the Union…address

Last night was the final time that George W. Bush will give a State of the Union address. This was met with much applause from most of the nation, and naps from most of congress (seriously everyone the camera panned to was passed out). Now Dubya, knowing full well he can put this in cruise control for the remainder of his term, set out to discuss many of his policies that everyone at the bar booed last night. He touched on “No Child Left Behind” as a “bipartisan victory” that in reality is just a lofty unreachable goal with its current organization. He talked of the success of the surge in Iraq that has mollified much of the daily violence that occurs. Antiquity will tell us if it’s true and was worth doing. In an almost scripted moment, the president talked of “nucular” energy, causing everyone to drink twice. He discussed a plan to cut taxes, especially for the rich, an idea that Democrats have been saying was ill advised for a long time because of the War and our rising National Debt (not to mention the special Fuck You! to the middle and lower classes). He didn’t really touch on immigration or the environment or China, all topics which were alleged to be addressed. He discussed how the economy is slowing, but that we will be able to be strong proud Americans in the near future. In all, despite how drunk we got, it was depressing, but hopeful in a way. History will not be kind to this presidency, and it will be marred with 9-11 and Iraq. However it is these events that makes the future more promising, as we as a nation need to recover from this low point. And much like a bad relationship, its just time to move on and find somebody new. I just hope as a nation we make a prudent decision, and don't settle for a sloppy rebound that gives us crabs.

UPDATE:: To those who may have been offended by the picture of John McCain asleep... This isn't the NY Times, it's a blog. I didn't call out McCain for falling asleep last year or this year. I said that there were a bunch of congressmen who appeared to be napping. I apologize if your favorite candidate just couldn't seem to stay awake and there are more images of him dozing during the first big speech of the year. Get your panties out of a bunch. For your enjoyment there is now also an image of John Dingell, asleep during the State of the Union last night.

1 comment:

J. Peter said...
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