Thursday, September 20, 2007

Lindsey Lohan

Yesterday I met the ugly side of my past and it got me thinking. The concept of an evil twin seems vastly outdated. I actually think a truer concept would be the idea of an ugly twin. Somewhere out there must be a twin version of me (and everyone else as well) and this must occur in both personalities and looks.

I believe that everyone probably has an ugly version of themselves (well unless you are the ugly version) and yesterday I met the ugly version of a college associate and it was strange. People constantly tell me that I look exactly like someone they know. I wonder if I am the ugly twin.

War Pregnant Women

Are women funny? I don’t know, I have actually never met a girl who could consistently make me laugh (barring the Sports Gal and she only write about once a month) but I have to assume there is someone out there who can deliver humorous quips on a regular basis. If so could you introduce her to me? I would like to get rid of this archaic stereotype*. Who knows maybe I am right and women can’t be funny, what do you guys think?

*Chigozism: Women aren’t funny

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