Wednesday, March 5, 2008

District Deliberations: On the Rise of the Unlikely

If asked who the Republican nominee would be 6 months ago, there would have been maybe a handful of people who would have said beyond the shadow of a doubt: John McCain. However, tonight John McCain became the Republican candidate for the 2008 presidential election. Defying odds, and the bothersome campaigns of Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul, when Huckabee took the stage for the last time, mostly to demonstrate his sweet one-liners (seriously huck, you’re an awful comedian/politician; knock it off), John McCain ascended to the pinnacle of the Republican Party. This is troublesome for Democrats everywhere however, because like McCain’s campaign in August, Hillary has come back from a troublesome deficit and won Ohio (one of the most crucial states in the union, and it is truly a shame...not because Hillary won, but because Ohio sucks). Though Texas is still undecided (I’m writing this before all results are in) this should keep Hilldog afloat enough to contend the democratic candidacy until the convention. Way to go Hillary, you’re single-handedly keeping a Democrat out of the White House because you’re a selfish goon.

In other unlikely news, BRETT FAVRE FINALLY RETIRED! This comes as a shock to everyone because, well, we just thought he was gonna die before he’d ever retire. Seriously this is the most important piece of football news this decade, because Favre has been around for nearly 3! In all honesty, though, Favre will go down as one of the greatest quarterbacks in the history of the sport. Nobody played the game with as much grit and passion as this man did for the past 17 years. For that I commend you Brett. However, for every time someone called you a “gun slinger”, you threw a pick. In fact, you hold the slim honor of having the most interceptions in the history of the game. You even beat Vinny Testeverde! Moreover, Favre’s retirement means the dawn of a new era, the Aaron Rodgers era. Rodgers is often known for being the least used 1st round pick in the past 4 years, in addition to getting hurt nearly every time he has played. More importantly, since he has been studying under Brett Favre, I can predict that there will be no lack of interceptions in Green Bay for years to come.

I was inspired by the last post from Chiggy/Double Deuce to include another unlikely hero. Ladies and Gentleman, let me present to you MMA fighter, Kimbo Slice. I’m pretty sure this is a homeless boxer that was found in bumfights, even though his wikipedia page will denote something completely different. Right now he is training under MMA legend, Bas Rutten, famous for these self-defense videos. Still, you make the call. Dingadadingadading, kick to the groin. (please don't try this at home, drunk, with friends, any of it ever)

Also Happy Birthday to Smoke’s Girl. Way to go, you did it!

Finally, another tribute to an unlikely individual who has risen to something great...err...Selma Hayek is just hot, ok?

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